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Richard Jaggs

MD | Resolution Design

  • October 19, 2018
  • 5 minute read

The update is replacing the current visual editor, WYSIWYG, which has remained the same since WordPress first launched so an overhaul is overdue.

The update is on track to be implemented into the WordPress core by the end of 2018. This is going to be a big change for WordPress users so we are anticipating the release date will be before Christmas, allowing users time to get familiar with it.

The Gutenberg Editor

The new editor will introduce a new way of content editing called “blocks”. This will give you complete control over your website allowing you to insert rich & dynamic content blocks such as forms, multimedia & social media themes without any coding or plugins required.

The new block-based system will allow you to build pages the way you want in a simpler way, giving you complete control.

Gutenberg update

How will it impact my website?

You may be wondering how the integration of the new editor will impact your website. The short answer is that no impact will be made to your site. The Gutenberg update will only affect the admin area of your site, meaning customers shouldn’t notice a change.

The admin area will face a significant change, not only for your content editor but any custom integrations or third-party plugins that utilise the older WordPress meta box functionality. It will be up to the author & developers of your plugins to bring their software up-to-date and compatible with the latest WordPress update.

If your site is effected upon update, don’t worry as you will be able to install a plugin to revert the Gutenberg editor back to the classic one if needed. Although this might seem tempting, we do not see this as a long-term solution. Over time new plugins, features and updates will develop and be released for the WordPress platform which will support the new Gutenberg editor.

We will be contacting clients who currently use WordPress as their Content Management System over the upcoming weeks to let you know how we’ll be supporting you with the transition.

Let’s get the

ball rolling…