Back in May 2018, what feels like a lifetime ago, GDPR came into effect. Positive, verifiable email marketing signup became a legal requirement, and most company list sizes shrank hugely. Was this the demise of email marketing?
Well… no. Borrowing from the wonderful Mark Twain, ‘the reports of my death are greatly exaggerated.’ Email marketing took a hit but bounced back, and since the pandemic, brands have sent 27% more emails in a bid to reach out to customers. The number of emails sent from the Resolution email marketing platform has increased by more than 250% over the past 3 months, and open rates are soaring.
These extraordinary figures are driven by the demand for real-time updates during the Covid-19 uncertainty and a desire to keep us all informed and engaged while we’re more isolated. There’s also been a shift towards more sympathetic content: less ‘selling’, more education and entertainment.
This surge drives home the continued role of email marketing as one of the most potent modes of brand communication. Done right, it acts as a unique conduit between you and your customers, building relationships via the delivery of intelligently targeted information.
A few attention-worthy email marketing stats…
- On average, email marketing generates £30 for every 80p you spend
- By 2024, the number of email users worldwide is set to rise from 3.9 billion to 4.48 billion – half the world’s population.
- 99% of customers check their emails daily.
- Targeted emails generate 58% of revenue for businesses.
- 59% of respondents claim marketing emails help shape their purchasing choices.
Clearly, email marketing is a highly effective means of shaping and reaching your audience. Here’s a straightforward 3 step plan outlining how you can use it to grow customer engagement, remain memorable, and win new business.
1. Create a clear strategy
It pays to hone a solid email marketing strategy: the ‘what’, ‘to who’, and ‘how often’.
Whether you’re sending a monthly newsletter, a product announcement, or content designed to simply entertain, carefully consider who should receive it and when.
2. Grow your email marketing list
You need to build a large, high-quality, GDPR-compliant list – essentially a list of people who actually want to hear from you. So, how do you do this?
It’s vital to have prominent, attractive email signup on your website. You can also extend this to your email footers and other digital communications. Give people a good reason to sign up for your emails: the prospect of offers, insights and free information will help.
Also, remember to ask prospective and new clients to join your list and promote your website/signup form when you can.
3. Send attractive, personalised emails
Your customers receive an average of 121 emails per day – that’s a lot of emails. This is why you need to make sure your emails look great and genuinely speak to your audience.
It’s also critical to identify and understand your audience before you send your slick email marketing campaign – or you risk your content falling on deaf ears.
Good emails are those that contain information relevant to your audience’s interests, needs, and circumstances – this is what engenders customer loyalty.
In fact, 91% of customers say they’re more likely to purchase from brands offering personalised suggestions and deals, and 83% state they’re happy to share their data to enjoy a more bespoke experience.
Now you know the basics. Next, you need a great email marketing platform to get you up and running. There are many out there, so when you’re looking, make sure that the platform you choose ticks the key boxes:
- Built-in sign-up forms, website integration tools, and GDPR compliance options
- Unlimited audience segmentation and audience lists
- Excellent drag and drop design capability and template options
- Comprehensive reporting on all aspects of your mailings
- Great email automation tools and email workflows
- Insight tools to guide future mailings
- Integrations with other software tools e.g., CRM and e-commerce platforms
Want to learn more about persuasive email marketing? Head here.