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Becca Jenkins

Account Executive | Resolution Design

  • February 7, 2024
  • 5 minute read

In the ever-changing business world, branding has never been more significant than it will be in 2024. Brands are not just labels. They are powerful entities that convey a unique identity and build a connection with consumers. However, recent legal battles have highlighted the complexities and challenges brands face in maintaining their distinctiveness. 

As consumers become increasingly discerning, strong, recognisable brands are paramount. A brand is more than just a logo or a product. It represents a promise and a set of values that sets it apart from the competition. Brands influence consumer choices, foster loyalty and shape cultural narratives. 

Superdry vs Manchester City: A battle of logos and identities 

One of the most intriguing recent legal battles involves Superdry, the popular clothing brand based in Cheltenham, and Manchester City, one of the Premier League’s most prestigious football clubs.

Superdry alleges that Manchester City’s new merchandise line bears a striking resemblance to its own iconic logo and design elements. 

This case highlights the challenges brands face in protecting their intellectual property and maintaining a distinct visual identity in a world saturated with logos and symbols. 

Superdry argues that Manchester City’s use of similar design elements could create confusion among consumers, potentially diluting the unique brand image that Superdry has worked hard to cultivate since 2003. The case underscores the importance of vigilance in protecting intellectual property rights and the potential financial implications for brands found guilty of infringement. 

Chanel and WGACA: The clash over vintage luxury 

On another front, the luxury fashion powerhouse, Chanel finds itself in a legal dispute with What Goes Around Comes Around (WGACA), a high-end vintage reseller. Chanel alleges that WGACA’s sale of pre-owned and vintage Chanel items without proper authorisation infringes upon its trademark rights and tarnishes the brand’s prestigious image. 

This case raised valid questions about the growing market for second-hand luxury goods and the challenges brands face in controlling the narrative around their products, even after they are sold. Gucci and Burberry have embraced the second-hand luxury market, stating it opens the opportunity to grow a wider market. 

The outcome of this legal battle could set a precedent for how luxury brands approach the resale market and protect their image from potential dilution. 

Investing in a strong brand is not just about creating a visual identity, it’s about shaping perceptions, fostering trust and leaving a lasting impression. 

Brands want to retain their distinctiveness to stand out in a very crowded market. They also want to establish consumer recognition and build loyalty that sets them apart from the crowd. 

A distinctive brand enhances memorability and contributes to long term success and overall brand longevity. Chanel is still as popular in 2024 as it was over 100 years ago, this wouldn’t have been possible without protecting their core identity. 

The role of social media in branding and legal disputes

In recent years, social media has also played an essential role in shaping brand perceptions and, ironically, in exacerbating ongoing legal conflicts. The rapid dissemination of information and options can magnify the impact of disputes, making it crucial for brands to manage their online presence and address issues swiftly to mitigate potential damage. 

At Resolution, we understand the pivotal role branding plays in defining your business and connecting with your audience. 

Let us help you craft a brand that stands out and ensures your success in a competitive digital landscape.

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