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Richard Jaggs

MD | Resolution Design

  • July 1, 2022
  • 2 minute read

Going a little off-piste with this short post, away from the groomed slopes of brand marketing and into the wilds of business motivation. Why? Well, growing a business is hard and pushing your brand and marketing takes inspiration, motivation and energy.

Motivation is what keeps us all going, but mojo is what makes it happen. We all need a boost from time to time, so if you feel you’ve lost a bit of sparkle and that your mojo has gone astray, then it’s time to get it back. Of course, Covid has not helped any of us, mojo recharge has been very difficult, so it’s time to get out there and plug into the excitement of life.

What works for me may not work for you, but getting out of your normal routine and doing something that challenges you is probably a good place to start. I’ve recently had a tremendous experience that has given me a major recharge, a 10-day trip to the Alps to walk the Tour du Mont Blanc. Hiking roughly 7 hours a day, through majestic mountain scenery, with a great group of people I’d not met previously. It was spectacular and I can’t wait to do something similar again soon.

Italy, Aosta Valley near Courmayeur
Italy, Aosta Valley near Courmayeur, hiking towards the Grand Col Ferret

While I was in the mountains, Becky was in St Ives taking a dynamic landscape painting course. She not only recharged, but she also has some very good paintings to show for her efforts.

Dynamic landscape paintings

So if you’re stuck in the day-to-day grind of work feeling your mojo ebbing away, put yourself out there and do something cool… go on, you know you want to.

Let’s get the

ball rolling…